Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Hope Giving Light... By L. Rutledge 2011

I am a man who does not handle the space of loneliness well at all.
I reach for another to feel like i live. I keep a place inside for only one soul to live.

I thought i had the one and only. She was not. It ended badly like all of my loves do. I was cold and i felt blue far away from heaven i felt untrue. I lost my self and i was a fool.

I reached out to my faith and was not sure. I asked God for a love that will be true and love me for all that i am. I know he knows just what i am inside but sometimes it seems like he can not hear my cry's. I looked and looked but the hearts i choose were not right. I gave it to my sister to see if she could find someone who was right. She choose someone so beautiful that i felt unworthy. I pushed my self and made the call. She answered back and was so kind and gentle. She made me smile and laugh all the time. She became my best friend and gave me her love and devotion, She wanted to be mine. She loved me the way i always dreamed to be loved. She is just what i prayed for all the time. 

Little time has passed since my heart was broke . I know the light better through the darkest time alone. I know God hears and listens to me. I know because he gave this beautiful woman to me just when i gave up on me. Now i have my perfect dream coming true with everyday her light shines through. I know where its going and I know where I've been. This beautiful woman is a gift to me from heaven.

Dedicated to Olivia
by L. Rutledge 2011

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