Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Opening statement of my new story...

There are things not known to the still young human race of this world. Things that have not shown them self to our sight. Such things that would being about certain doom if they are brought forth by the unearthing of such old secrets. We the race of men are given to the idea that we rule all the world as we see it, but the world of old has heard the very same echo’s long ago before the end of older races of beings. Beneath the sea lies much that is unknown to us like the heavens of space above full of wonder and mystery. It is best that man not know the grand secrets hidden from the knowledge  of our world…

There it is the very mysterious opening statement of my new story I'm still working on. I love how that sounds. I am very happy with the out come of that first opening. I wanted to write something deep and old and even scary to a point. I sure got that and more when I wrote that. I just hope I can keep up the mystery and interest of the story. I just had to post that because to me that is the whole reason for writing. To capture the mystery and wonder element with in a story. I will continue to try to keep that momentum through out the whole story so you as the reader will maybe enjoy my story's and want more. Well that's all for now talk to you again soon.

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