Monday, March 21, 2011

The pre-production of an old kind of story...By L. Rutledge

I am working on a story very different from my eternity story. I am working on a story that takes place in the old times back when the world was at war with the Nazi's. It is called "WERMUT" which means WORMWOOD in German.
it will be my kind of version of a H.P. Lovecraft style story. This story is creepy and old fashion like King Kong in a way. The story will follow a navy man who's ship is taken over by the Nazi troops and taken to a mystery island where he and his navy crew are put into prison camps. He will escape at some point and then find out the secrets of why the island is not on any maps. It will be scary what he finds out about the island and what lives beneath it. I like those old fashion mystery island story's from when the world still had mystery in it. I also like monster movies from the old days. I am really into H.P. Lovecraft's work lately so I have to try to make a story with the kind of creepy old school idea's he used to use in his deeply imaginative story's.
The story of WERMUT will tell a tale that leads into the real world in a way and it will bring the real world and fiction world together so you will feel the story is leading up to my Eternity story. So it takes place in the same universe or world that story came from. I really like telling survival story's in a way so that is why I'm doing this story. Do not think though that the story will go the same as Eternity did. WERMUT is a lot darker and creepier. I want it to stick in people's mind's as a journey from war to survival from creature's the likes of which man has never seen before. Well anyway the story is in pre-production in my note book right at the moment and should be about 5 or 6 page's long I think. I have trouble writing long story's so that is why it will be short but it will have the ability to continue in some ways later on in the form of other story's like it. I had to at least let who ever view's my blog here know this so you will come back again some time to read other story's of mine when i post them. So now you know I'm working on the story you will see on here next. OK thank you for viewing my blog. Hope you enjoy this preview into my next idea of a story. Thanks for stopping by.

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